Summer Stone Work Landscaping Projects

Stonework Landscaping the Dallas/Fort Worth MetroplexThe summer months lend themselves to landscape projects. The aesthetics of any yard can be greatly enhanced by stone work creating a stunning entry way to a pool or sitting area near a flowerbed. Let your Dallas and Fort Worth TX landscaping company, Blooms Landcare, help you design the perfect outdoor living area.

When designing landscaping, it is important to consider functionality along with the aesthetically pleasing elements of stone work. Atmosphere without practicality can be more trouble than comfort. Your Dallas and Fort Worth landscapers understands how to turn any idea into an outdoor environment of which you will be proud.

Common stone work provided by Blooms Landcare includes patio floors, walkways and pathways, stone walls, porch foundations, stone fountains, and rock gardens.  Whatever your backyard landscape dreams may be, the experienced professionals from your landscaping company in Dallas and Fort Worth TX will create the outdoor living space you have always envisioned.

For Energy Conservation, Use CFL Bulbs

CFL BulbsAccording to the Energy Star website, one light fixture replaced with an energy-efficient bulb could save enough energy to light as many as three million homes each year. The total savings would range at roughly $600 million.

Those numbers alone make energy-efficient bulbs an intriguing option, and when it comes to your outdoor lighting, energy conservation is never a bad idea. Energy Star-qualified compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs are the environmentally conscious alternative to traditional light bulbs. They use less energy while, at the same time, providing equal or better lighting for your patio, front yard or back yard.

CFL bulbs use roughly three-quarters the energy that traditional bulbs use. In addition, CFL bulbs produce about three-quarters of the heat, which makes them safer to use for children. CFL bulbs are built to last longer than traditional bulbs, and they can save as much as $40 in utility costs over its life span.

These bulbs, most importantly, are stamped with the Energy Star name, which means they are above-quality bulbs that will be better for the environment. Our Dallas and Fort Worth TX landscapers at Blooms Landcare specialize in quality outdoor lighting installation that will aesthetically and financially improve your residential or commercial property, and the use of a CFL bulb can further add to your property value.

Give us a call today. Contact our Dallas and Fort Worth landscaping company, or visit us online for information.

Spring Colors: The Groundhog Speaks

Seasonal Color InstallationOn Feb. 2 – Groundhog Day – it was reported that Punxsutawney Phil, the world’s most famous groundhog, did not see his shadow. That traditionally means an early spring is predicted – and with the icy temperatures around the Dallas-Dallas and Fort Worth area lately, the bold prediction definitely was welcomed.

If Punxsutawney Phil is accurate, it could mean positive things for landscapers. It may be time to discuss seasonal color installation for the spring, and our Dallas and Fort Worth TX lawn care experts provide quality landscape designed to enhance your property for the upcoming spring season.

Expect custom designing, first-class landscaping tips and a bevy of springtime colors that will highlight your front yard, back yard, patio, porch, terraces and walkways. Whether it includes strengthening your garden or installing new pottery, our Dallas and Fort Worth landscapers have built a reputation for producing quality work while keeping customers happy from a financial perspective.

We hope Punxsutawney Phil’s prediction is accurate, as our trained professionals are eager to turn your property into art with the help of seasonal color installation. For more information, call our Dallas and Fort Worth TX landscaping company today, or visit us online.

Spring Makeover with Outdoor Lighting

lawn's makeoverIn looking for a way to give your property an upcoming spring makeover, our Blooms Landcare representatives suggest the installation of outdoor lighting. Improve your landscaping – and your property value – with the help of safe and inexpensive lighting varieties.

Believe it or not, outdoor lighting can be a great do-it-yourself project for you and your family. Motion detectors and timer lights are among the easiest types of lighting to install, and they are among the best options for security purposes. These lights can be installed on your porch, around your patio, near the garage or in your driveway to help keep your property safe from potential danger.

Do-it-yourself installation can add style and grace to your property. All you will need is a little creativity and patience. If you can follow instructions, you can turn your property into a spectacle that will have your neighbors wanting to follow suit.

Let outdoor lighting be the touch you need to aid in upcoming outdoor landscape designing. If you would rather have a professional handle the task, our Dallas and Fort Worth TX landscapers are here to assist you. Call our Dallas and Fort Worth outdoor lighting company today, or contact us online for details.