A Landscaping Entrepreneur’s Summer Guide to Basic Commercial Lawn Equipment

landscaping service fort worth tx

In our youth, most of us spent time cutting grass. Whether it was for family or our neighbors, toiling away behind a lawn mower earned some spending cash. As adults, many of us continued this job. It was rewarding, fulfilling, and hard-work. Being a landscaping entrepreneur means we get to work for ourselves. We’re the boss. That also means an initial investment. As an entrepreneur, you need commercial lawn equipment.

Vehicle & Trailer

Your biggest expenditure to start will be a reliable vehicle, typically a truck, for hauling and transportation. You’ll need to connect a trailer to the hitch, which is why a truck is optimal for this profession.

Most landscaping professionals recommend a heavy-duty flatbed truck (with at least one toolbox). Your trailer, on the other hand, can begin at 5-by-10-foot with 12-foot rails and ramp gate. This utility trailer is large enough to hold your essential equipment, including fertilizer, shears, safety equipment, and, hedge trimmers, for example.

Lawn Care Necessities

When it comes to cutting grass, there is a dizzying array of commercial lawn mowers available. These days, a self-propelled mower is the most valuable investment. Mowers typically come with attachments, including mulchers and side catchers. These can make the job easier but raise your initial investment cost.

Despite what many think, riding lawn mowers are not always suited for the job. When it comes to mowing hills and small yards, a walk-behind mower does the work just fine. For this time of mower, however, a floating deck is a necessity you must not skimp on for summer landscaping.

All-in-all, the initial cost is high. The results are worth it, though. You’re your own boss.

Contact Us

For professional landscaping services, contact Blooms Landcare by calling [phone]. We’ll survey your yard and prepare a solution specifically for your needs!

Seasonal Flowers in Fort Worth Summer

Simple Summer Landscaping IdeasIt is no secret that Dallas and Fort Worth summers are sweltering. In fact, the average summer temperature can quickly reach over 100°.  In order to still have a garden that is full of beautiful blooming flowers, you need to know which ones will be able to withstand high temperatures during the extreme Texas summer. Blooms Landcare is your Dallas and Fort Worth landscape design company that fully understands how the Dallas and Fort Worth climate can impact your garden. Here are a few seasonal flowers that will thrive during the summer months.

Black-Eyed Susan

These flowers are similar to daisies and are a native plant of Texas. Black-Eyed Susans get their name from their dark center, which sharply contrast their bright exterior. The majority of Black-Eyed Susans are typically a bright golden yellow that it isn’t uncommon to have these flowers appear and shades of red or orange. They are incredibly hearty and will be able to survive the summer

New Gold Lantana

New Gold Lantana, unlike its name implies, actually comes in many different colors. As a native plant of the Dallas-Dallas and Fort Worth area, these flowers will be able to live from spring all the way through fall. They are a great addition to any Texas garden. If you are interested in planting New Gold Lantana, talk to our landscape designers.

Blackfoot Daisy

Blackfoot daisies are a test native plant with small white flowers and bright yellow centers. These flowers do not grow more than a foot tall, and it is a perfect flowerbed plant that can add some color and variety to your garden. They are also relatively inexpensive and easy to find in the Dallas and Fort Worth area.

If you would like to add some flowers, or need help in designing your garden, call Blooms Landcare. Dial [phone] to schedule your appointment with our landscaping experts.

Best Management Practices for Fort Worth Plants

Plants Management Practices the Dallas/Fort Worth MetroplexWhen you are maintaining a garden in Dallas and Fort Worth, you know that the unpredictable and severe weather can make it a challenge. Blooms Landcare is a master of managing Dallas and Fort Worth plants. We are happy to share with our clients the best tips and tricks to make your landscaping lush and green year-round! Here are a few of our best management practice tips!

Follow a Gardening Chttps://www.bloomslandcare.com/blog/choosing-plants-that-will-thrive-in-your-yard/alendar

There are certain times of the year when plants thrive. If you are thinking of adding a small garden to your yard, take a look at the National Gardening Association’s planting calendar for Forth Worth. They take into account the weather and create a strategy for optimal growing potential. They even have a printable planning guide for each season that is incredibly useful for novices. If you would like a great place to start learning about planting, this is a fantastic resource.

Think About Sun & Water

While this may seem really straightforward, hydration and sunlight of Dallas and Fort Worth plants can be rather complex. Depending on the design in your yard, one plant may be close to a sprinkler when it needs to be a bit further away. Perhaps one tree is providing too much shade to a full-sun plant. These are the intricacies that our landscape designers think about when assessing a Dallas and Fort Worth yard.

Large Projects Need a Professional

Whether you are trying to remodel your landscaping or trying to maintain one, it is a big job. We recommend consulting with a professional like Blooms Landcare and calling in for some assistance. Our experienced and talented designers have helped countless Dallas and Fort Worth families and businesses with their landscaping.

If you have questions about managing your Dallas and Fort Worth landscape, contact the experts at Blooms Landcare. Call [phone] to schedule an appointment with out team of experts.

Benefits of Commercial Landscaping for Your Fort Worth Business

Commercial Landscape Maintenance Dallas and Fort WorthWhen you are looking for a fast way to increase profits at your Dallas and Fort Worth business, you probably haven’t thought about commercial landscaping. However, professional landscaping can have many benefits to drive business and increase your bottom line. Blooms Landcare helps countless commercial businesses in the Dallas and Fort Worth area create stunning landscapes. Here are just a few of the enormous benefits you will receive when you invest in commercial landscaping for your Dallas and Fort Worth business.

Make an Impression

Whether you are a business that thrives on walk-in clientele, or you need to impress clients that come to your location, a beautiful commercial landscape can achieve your goals. A clean and welcoming landscape reflects success and professionalism. Just like how your personal appearance can reflect upon your work ethic, your landscaping acts as one in the same. Would you show up to a business meeting with a wrinkled shirt and disheveled hair? Of course not! Same principle goes for your landscaping.

Reduce Utility Costs

Overhead and energy costs can make up a large portion of your company’s budget. Especially in the summertime, cooling your Dallas and Fort Worth business may be a large financial endeavor. With the proper landscaping, you can lower your utility cost by providing all-natural insulation and shade. With the right placement of trees, shrubbery, and flowers, your attractive landscaping can start saving you money.

Great Conversation Starter

When you have outstanding landscaping on your business property, It can make for a great conversation starter with clients or potential business partners. Everyone enjoys looking at well-crafted landscape design. When you choose Blooms Landcare, your commercial property will no doubt be the talk of the town.

For more information about our commercial landscaping services in Dallas and Fort Worth, contact Blooms Landcare. Call [phone] to schedule your appointment today.



Fort Worth Winter: What’s In Store For Your Lawn

Landscaping Service Hurst Euless Bedford, TX

For many of us in Dallas and Fort Worth, leaving our lawns alone during the winter season is the norm. However, there are a few great tips for lawn care during this icy FortWorth winter. With slower growth and damaging temperatures, it is common for most folks to think there isn’t much to do even when nature seems to be in control of taking its toll on your lawn. However, even with the coldest and iciest of winters, there are tricks to ensure you have a great lawn come spring! It may be too late to get your lawn to its peak condition this spring, but don’t worry, with these tips, your lawn will thrive and look better than ever for years to come.

Early Fertilizer

First, start prepping in September! This is early, but it’s necessary for surviving the Dallas and Fort Worth winter. Most likely your lawn is a “warm season grass,” St. Augustine, Bermuda, Zoysia, Centipede, Buffalo, or a hybrid variant of these. These grasses grow best in hot weather, so early fall or late summer is best for fertilizing. If you have a “cool season grass,” wait until late fall early winter to fertilize. No need to over fertilize, the fertilizer will stay in the soil during the colder months and supply nutrients to the roots of your lawn. Even though it may be colder, don’t forget to water. Although it looks like nothing is growing, the roots will still need water to metabolize the fertilizer throughout the winter. Many options come up with what fertilizer to use, so give us a call at Bloom’s Landcare with any questions you have.

Winter Mowing and Dethatching

There are two things to know here: scalping and dethatching your lawn. Scalping your lawn is the practice of ridding the grass of the dead and yellowed blades caused by the cold. Scalping, however, is not necessary for your grass to thrive, but it does improve aesthetics when the new green begins to sprout.

Dethatching requires a bit more more attention than scalping. Depending on the type of grass you have will determine if you should do this during the Dallas and Fort Worth winter. St. Augustine, for example, would be damaged extensively if it were to be dethatched, while Bermuda requires dethatching if you want that perfect lawn come spring. Core aerating is an alternative where dethatching is not an option, allowing nutrients to work their way into the soil.

“Keep Off the Grass”

While you don’t have to pretend the grass is “lava,” you should keep an eye out for debris, equipment, or toys lying in the yard for long periods. Also, try to refrain from walking on any brown patches too often, whereas this can damage the grass beneath the soil preventing growth later on.
With these little tips, your lawn will bounce back to its lush, green self immediately once that Dallas and Fort Worth winter weather warms up!

If you have any questions with grass type, fertilizers, tools, and other tips on Dallas and Fort Worth winter lawns, give Bloom’s Landcare a call at [phone].

Should I Finance My Lawn’s Makeover?

Lawn's Makeover FinanceWhen your lawn needs a complete makeover, you may be desperate to get it done no matter what the price. But what if you don’t have the cash on hand to complete your landscaping? There is a lot of information out there about whether you should finance your landscaping services. Blooms Landcare is happy to assist you in determining the best way to pay for your lawn’s makeover. Here are some things to consider when paying for your lawn’s makeover.

Landscaping Is an Investment

Having a good-looking lawn isn’t just aesthetically pleasing, but it can also be an investment in your property. With attractive landscaping, you can make your money back. This is especially true if you are thinking of selling your home. You can ask for more money that will cover your landscaping costs and then some.

Consider the Benefits

Along with your yard looking professional, clean, and trimmed, you may experience other benefits of having a lawn makeover. Property values increase, salability of your home increases, and never doubt the value of a great first impression. These all may be worth financing your lawn’s new look.

Types of Financing to Consider

If you have decided to finance your lawn’s makeover, you are probably wondering what kind of financing to choose. There are many different options including credit cards, unsecured loans, and home equity line of credit. Your choice will depend on how extensive your landscaping costs will be. For smaller projects, a low-interest credit card or unsecured loan may be enough. Thoroughly research your options and choose the one that makes the most financial sense.

If you are interested in a lawn makeover at your home or business, call the landscaping experts at Blooms Landcare today. Call [phone] to schedule your professional services today!

4 Winter Landscaping Ideas for Fort Worth

Winter Landscaping Ideas Dallas and Fort Worth TXWhile winter isn’t normally associated with lush landscaping, your yard can be the exception to the rule. Creative landscaping tips can really bring your property from looking like the Grinch stole Christmas to a perfectly classy holiday wonderland. The climate in Dallas and Fort Worth can be a bit chilly, but this is a great opportunity to get outside and get your landscaping in the holiday spirit!

Mix Plant Types

Mixing different plant types can really help your winter yard look put together. Different species of plants can help with the flow of your landscaping and a variety of plant types tend to do better across many different types of seasons.

Mulch Isn’t Just for Spring

Mulch can help protect your plants from the cold winter weather. Place a layer of mulch before the ice storms hit Dallas and Fort Worth to protect your landscaping from the inevitable freeze.

Use Plants That Survive the Cold

When you are planning your landscaping, you want to use varieties that can withstand even the coldest weather Dallas and Fort Worth can throw at it. These include evergreens like pine trees, hollies, and spruce. These plants are also associated with the holidays, which will help to decorate your yard for the holidays.

Keep an Eye on the Weather

Make sure to keep an eye on the weather ahead. If you notice that you are going to get a few freezing nights below zero, place a few weather protective sheets over your shrubbery and plants. Wrap any outdoor sprinkler pipes and turn off your automatic watering timer to keep water out of your sprinkler lines. Many homeowners forget to do this and end up with a busted pipe and hundreds or thousands in repairs!

If you would like more landscaping ideas, contact the experts at Blooms Landcare. Call [phone] to schedule your appointment today. We are happy to assist you through the winter!

Fort Worth Gardens to Visit This Summer

Dallas and Fort Worth Gardens

Visiting all the amazing Dallas and Fort Worth gardens is a great summer activity for the entire family. There is nothing quite like taking a stroll through lush gardens, smelling the floral air, and learning all about beautiful plants and flowers. There are such a variety of great gardens located close to home! Blooms Landcare has compiled a list of the best Dallas and Fort Worth Gardens you have to visit this summer!

Dallas and Fort Worth Botanic Garden

Create memorable experiences in the oldest botanic garden in Texas. Dallas and Fort Worth’s Botanic Gardens has more than 2,500 species of stunning plants across 23 spacious gardens. Included is the tranquil Japanese Garden. You can spot koi swimming in the ponds, beautiful stone landscape, crafted stonework, and picturesque waterfalls. The Dallas and Fort Worth Botanic Garden rents out space for special events such as weddings and birthdays. This place is a must see this summer!

Dallas and Fort Worth Water Gardens

While this isn’t the typical garden with flowers and plants, it is a stunning testimonial to the art of rock and water architecture. Located right in the heart of downtown, it is a great spot to cool off during the hot Dallas and Fort Worth summers. So bring the family and come see the unique Dallas and Fort Worth Water Gardens!

Dallas and Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge

This is a great opportunity for you and your family to see what Dallas and Fort Worth looked like before settlement. With native plants and animals on over 3,600 acres, it is truly a sight to see! While this isn’t a traditional sculpted garden, you will be amazed at the great variety of flora Dallas and Fort Worth naturally has.

If you would like more information about Dallas and Fort Worth Gardens, or would like to great your own, call Blooms Landcare. Dial [phone] to speak to one of our landscaping experts! We would be happy to assist you.

The Best Texas Sod for Your Lawn, Part 2


Best Sod for Texas LawnsCreating the ideal yard requires a planning and preparation. In the first part of our series on Texas sod, we listed some of the most popular and successful varieties of grass that are planted in the state. At Blooms Landcare, we would like to provide a few more options, as well as some tips to keep your Dallas and Fort Worth lawn green throughout the year.


This variety of Texas sod is similar to St. Augustine in its drought tolerance, but is slightly less shade tolerant. Zoyosia is a fine-bladed grass that produces a soft carpet, which is ideal for lawns. There are several zoyosia varieties that do well in Texas, including:

  • El Toro
  • Emerald
  • Jamur
  • Meyer

One of the downfalls of planting zoyosia is that it is slow-growing and is not available as seed, which can make it difficult to fill in bare spots.

Tall Fescue

This grass is a good option for shady lawns, as it does not stand up to heat as well as some of the other varieties. It does require more water in order to keep it alive during the summer, but can provide ample coverage in the cooler parts of the state.

Keeping Your Sod Alive

Once you have decided on the type of sod you like, you need to take good care of it to ensure that it thrives in your yard. Follow these tips for a healthy lawn all year long:

  • Water frequently at first, then taper off as your sod becomes established.
  • Fertilize three weeks after planting, but no more than three times during the growing season.
  • Keep the lawn mowed on a regular basis.

When it comes to Texas sod, the Blooms Landcare team can help you determine the ideal choice for your yard. Call us today at [phone] for more information.

The Best Sod for Texas Lawns, Part 1

Best Sod for Texas LawnsWhether you are hoping to redo your home’s landscape or you are starting out fresh, Texas sod is likely to be a vital component of your landscape plan. The sod that we sell here at Blooms Landcare is the perfect addition to your yard. It can quickly be installed, it immediately controls soil erosion, it controls and reduces weeds, and it is suitable to be planted year around once it is rooted. When trying to decide the best sod for Texas lawns, consider the following popular options.


Bermudagrass is a popular type of grass that is grown all throughout Texas. It is perfect for the state’s hot climate because it tends to be very drought tolerant. Keep in mind, however, that it is not very traffic or shade tolerant.

St. Augustinegrass

This coarse species turfgrass is a great choice for home lawncare because it requires moderate to low maintenance. It is one of the most shade tolerant, warm season grasses but its use is limited to the northern 1/3 of Texas because it lacks cold hardiness. There are some people who believe this is the best sod for Texas lawns, but others prefer different types.


Buffalograss is a low maintenance variety of Texas sod that functions well in the central and western part of the state where the annual rainfall is typically 25 inches or less. It has a very low irrigation requirement and actually becomes invaded by weeds and other grass species when excess water is applied.


This variety of low maintenance turf is well adapted to the acidic soils of East Texas. It does not require much fertilizer and can tolerate infrequent mowing. Centipedegrass is well known for being course leafed and slow growing.

To learn more about what types of grass are most suited for Texas, or for help deciding the best sod for Texas lawns, contact Blooms Landcare at [phone].